


The Encova Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship continues to empower budding entrepreneurs across the Mountain State with the tools needed to flourish. The Encova Center is launching IgniteWV, thanks to $200,000 in grant funding from the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation.

IgniteWV is a program open to anyone interested in growing a business in West Virginia. The competition features two tracks — one for Main Street, community-oriented businesses that need technical assistance funding, and another for technology and innovation-focused businesses that are seeking investment.

“Small businesses are vital in building a strong and diverse economy in West Virginia for the future,” Tara St. Clair, program director for the Encova Center, said. “By equipping West Virginians with entrepreneurial skills and funding, we’re building a sustainable pipeline of entrepreneurial talent to support our local communities.”

Greeting Every Opportunity with Open Arms

After growing up in her parents’ business, Emmy Severs was inspired to start her own business halfway through her college career. As an entrepreneurship major, she leaned on her passions and creative skills, and launched a stationary company called Lemon Milk Paper Co

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Dressing the Part

For some, getting a new job means splurging on a new wardrobe. For us here at the Chambers College, our new building came with a new closet – the Career Closet.

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Economics graduate honored with Order of Augusta

Senior William Turman was honored with the Order of Augusta, WVU’s highest student award. An economics major from Barboursville, Turman has had an extremely active WVU career, participating in the Army’s Reserve Officer Training Corps, the Student Government Association and the Chambers College’s Behavioral Economics and Situational Testing (BEAST) Lab, which he also named. His next steps include being commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Army, interning with Sen. Shelley Moore Capito and pursuing his graduate studies in economics.

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“The future is unpredictable so I focus on the ‘how’ and not the ‘what.'’”

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On The Board

Rodney Williams, an alumnus of the Chambers College, has been named one of the newest members of the WVU Alumni Association Board of Directors. Elected during the November 2022 meeting, Williams will serve a six-year term expiring in 2028.

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