
Headshot of Professor Jeff Houghton

Lasting Impact

Lasting Impact

A good book can change your life. A good research paper can change many lives.

In April 2024, Professor of Management Jeff Houghton was recognized for his work on “Effective Stress Management: A Model of Emotional Intelligence, Self-Leadership, and Student Stress Coping,” which presents a model of the relationships between emotional intelligence, self-leadership and stress coping for management students.

The catch? That paper was published in 2012.

Its publisher, the Journal of Management Education, recognized Houghton and his co-authors with its Lasting Impact Award, presented for research that has demonstrated significant impact on management educators for at least ten years.

"I'm honored to have my paper selected for 2023 Lasting Impact Award from the Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society and Sage Publications,” said Houghton. “It's gratifying to know that my paper is still making a difference more than a decade after its initial publication.”

Immersed in Indonesian

Jana El-Khatib, a Master of Business Administration student from Hurricane, West Virginia, was one of four WVU students to earn the Critical Language Scholarship from the U.S. Department of State. Over the summer of 2021, El-Khatib got to study Indonesian, a language she became interested in after spending time living in Southeast Asia as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant. She hopes to use the skills gained from the scholarship to improve her cultural competency for a future career as a healthcare provider. 

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Fans Arrive Like Butterflies

Large, one-off events such as music concerts can create economic impacts not seen from professional sports, suggests rockin’ research by Joshua Hall, chair and professor of economics. Hall and Justin Parker, a 2020 Ph.D. economics graduate, found that Pearl Jam’s Seattle “Home Shows” in August 2018 generated $58 million in additional hotel revenue and $9 million in hotel tax revenue. That dwarfs Seattle Mariners baseball games ($140,000 in additional hotel revenue on game days). Their research was published in the Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights.

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Paul Speaker Appointed Fred T. Tattersall Distinguished Teaching Chair in Finance

Paul Speaker, professor in the Finance department, has been appointed as the Fred T. Tattersall Distinguished Teaching Chair in Finance for the Chambers College.

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Cap it Off

Just like the COVID-19 vaccine protects against contracting the contagious virus, the collective elements of self-efficacy, optimism, hope and resiliency - otherwise known as “PsyCap” - helps inoculate employees from the negative effects of working through a pandemic, according to Jeffery Houghton, management professor. Houghton and two of his Ph.D. students, Richard Oxarart and Luke Langlinais, found that those lagging in PsyCap characteristics drifted to maladaptive behaviors and exhibited a high perception of stress. Read more at WVUToday.

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Learning Through Service

In the service learning unit of the Chambers College's on-campus MBA program, students design, plan and execute a project to benefit a local nonprofit or small business of their choosing. This year’s projects netted big results: 

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