
Bank on it

Bank on it

The Center for Financial Literacy and Education, in conjunction with the Finance Department, received an Executive Training Program Gift for $38,000. Finance Faculty Brant Hammer, Frank DeGeorge and David Fragale will teach a 15-week program to a group of burgeoning portfolio managers from United Bank. This partnership was initiated through the 2019 Bank Summit and cultivated further due to a long-standing relationship with finance Professor Paul Speaker.

The Gavel Strikes 20

2023 marks the 20th year of law firm Steptoe & Johnson’s participation in the FAFE (Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination) graduate program’s Moot Court exercise. This capstone experience puts students’ skills to the test by having them investigate mock cases based on real-world financial crimes, culminating in a trial where they must testify as to their findings.  

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February Research Successes

Our roundup of Chambers College research publications, media appearances, awards, achievements and other noteworthy tidbits.

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Just Say 'No'

Rejoice introverts and, generally, anyone who wants to decline a social invitation. Recent research by Julian Givi, assistant professor of marketing, shows that it's ok to decline party invitations. His research has gained national and international coverage:

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Hockey, Sticking

Question: What do hockey and entrepreneurship have in common?

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