
Photo of Tara St. Clair

Inspiring the Next Generation

Inspiring the Next Generation

Each year, West Virginia Executive magazine publishes a “Young Guns” list recognizing young professionals in the business community who drive our Mountain State forward. We're proud to share that Tara St. Clair, program director of our Encova Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, made West Virginia Executive magazine's Young Guns Class of 2023! As one of 10 West Virginia professionals, St. Clair was honored to be chosen for this year’s class.

“It was an honor to be recognized among such an esteemed group of folks from across West Virginia,” she said. “I feel grateful to have a job that I am able to serve all West Virginians and make a real impact.”

Through the Encova Center, St. Clair works with West Virginians of all ages to empower them to innovate.

“I help people in West Virginia turn their dreams into reality. Working in an outreach center under our land-grant mission, I am fortunate to serve all 55 counties and people of all ages. As the Center has grown, we have made a bigger push for supporting K-12 entrepreneurship education. I feel it is important to create a pipeline of problem solvers in order to create a better future for West Virginia.”

Business Butterfly Effect

What happens to small businesses when big retailers shut down?

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Not all heroes wear capes – some wear whistles. 

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Fashion and Finance

Interested in finance, but also fashion? You can do both! John Pineda, finance senior and fashion merchandising minor, attended New York Fashion Week this fall as a production coordinator. He had the opportunity to see what goes on behind the scenes to put on a show — everything from hair and makeup to seating, lighting, ticketing and security.

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Take Stock

Worried about a looming recession and what to do with your money? Hold steady on those investment plans, advises Alexander Kurov, professor and Fred T. Tattersall research chair in finance. In an article penned for The Conversation, Kurov writes “Stick to your long-term plan and ignore day-to-day market fluctuations, however frightening they may be. Don’t take my word for it. The tried and true approach of passive investing is backed up by a lot of evidence.” To dive into the full article, go to

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Fans Arrive Like Butterflies

Large, one-off events such as music concerts can create economic impacts not seen from professional sports, suggests rockin’ research by Joshua Hall, chair and professor of economics. Hall and Justin Parker, a 2020 Ph.D. economics graduate, found that Pearl Jam’s Seattle “Home Shows” in August 2018 generated $58 million in additional hotel revenue and $9 million in hotel tax revenue. That dwarfs Seattle Mariners baseball games ($140,000 in additional hotel revenue on game days). Their research was published in the Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights.

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