
Photo of a carved Stansbury Hall brick

Brick Immortal

Brick Immortal

Reynolds Hall may be the future of business, but the Entrepreneurship Club saw opportunity even before construction began. The new building stands on what was once the site of Stansbury Hall, which served as WVU’s beloved Field House, as well as home to a variety of academic departments. 

When Stansbury Hall was demolished to make way for the new building, the Entrepreneurship Club acted fast, gathering roughly 140 bricks and bringing them home. The students later hand-washed the bricks in their bathtubs, engraved them with the Flying WV and put them up for sale. Within 72 hours, all the bricks were sold.

All proceeds went to the Entrepreneurship Club to fund future endeavors.

“I, of course, had to buy one myself,” said club member Alexia Morrow. “It’s not only a piece of WVU history, but also a memory of all the hard work I dedicated to the club.”


Twitter is more than rantin’ and ravin’ and snarky memes. It can influence stock returns, according to Alexander Kurov, professor and Fred T. Tattersall research chair in finance. Kurov and Chen Gu, a 2018 graduate of the finance doctoral program, found that firm-level Twitter content has information useful for predicting next-day stock returns, and that it is a stronger predictor of returns for firms with less analyst coverage. Their study, “ Informational role of social media: Evidence from Twitter sentiment,” is published in the Journal of Banking and Finance.

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Focus Forward

A student veteran and graduate student in business administration is in elite company as one of only 18 women chosen for a fellowship designed to support military-connected females.

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The Gavel Strikes 20

2023 marks the 20th year of law firm Steptoe & Johnson’s participation in the FAFE (Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination) graduate program’s Moot Court exercise. This capstone experience puts students’ skills to the test by having them investigate mock cases based on real-world financial crimes, culminating in a trial where they must testify as to their findings.  

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A Big Four Dream

Lana Latif has already met her goal of securing a job with a Big Four accounting firm -- and she’s still in grad school. Latif will earn her master’s in accountancy in 2021 before heading to Pittsburgh to be an assurance associate at Ernst & Young. According to her mentor, Gary LeDonne, this is a great success story for Latif who came to WVU after living with her family in Palestine. 

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