
Photo of Christmas tree with presents underneath

The Art of Giving

The Art of Giving

In times of looking for that special gift, lean on Julian Givi for sound advice. Givi, assistant professor of marketing, is an expert on gifting.

In his research, he has uncovered various mismatches between giver and recipient. For instance, recipients welcome sentimental presents like handwritten notes or photographs, or unconventional gifts like an e-reader for Valentine’s Day, but they won’t get those from most givers, who see too much risk that these gifts will miss the mark. 

And Givi has discovered that givers focus on the gratifying moment when the bow comes off, the fun present is revealed and the smile lights up, while recipients want practical gifts they can use for a long time. Read more about Givi’s research here.

A River Runs Through Wall Street

Chambers College alumnus Michael Shalhoup was recently profiled in Forbes for his work in the field of wealth management. This proud West Virginian and avid fly fisherman has emerged as a prominent figure in the finance industry, overseeing more than $1.7 billion in assets at Merrill Lynch. 

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The Economics of Ergonomics

A Chambers College student can become anything. Like his father before him, Economics Ph.D. graduate Perry Ferrell became a carpenter.

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It Merits a Mention

Some students find their purpose in college. Others find it long before they set foot on campus. 

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Cap it Off

Just like the COVID-19 vaccine protects against contracting the contagious virus, the collective elements of self-efficacy, optimism, hope and resiliency - otherwise known as “PsyCap” - helps inoculate employees from the negative effects of working through a pandemic, according to Jeffery Houghton, management professor. Houghton and two of his Ph.D. students, Richard Oxarart and Luke Langlinais, found that those lagging in PsyCap characteristics drifted to maladaptive behaviors and exhibited a high perception of stress. Read more at WVUToday.

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Feminine Appeal

After graduating magna cum laude in finance and economics in 2008, Nesha Sanghavi launched UG Apparel, collegiate sports fashions for women. As a varsity cheerleader for the WVU football and basketball teams, Sanghavi noticed the lack of feminine appeal in WVU clothing. So she did something about it. How successful has she been? Enough to donate $100,000 to establish an endowed scholarship and student enrichment fund in her name. She was named to the Roll of Distinguished Alumni in 2019.

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